That's the beauty of a new year right? You get to start anew. When the holidays are over I usually begin my reflection on the year just passed, and start thinking about what I want to accomplish in the one to come. My re-evaulation time.
So this year, I got smart. I saved our list of resolutions from last New Year's (2010) so I would have something to measure myself against.
My first one was to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. And believe it or not, I did it! It took nearly the whole year, but by gosh I finally did it. It was an Oprah Ah-Ha moment back in November when on a webinar about social media I stumbled into, I realized this is it! This is me. This is what I have been waiting for. This is want I want to be when I grow up.
A social media strategist.
It has been quite an energizer to have found a positive direction for my work life to move in. And the bonus is that it incorporates my years of experience and knowledge in paper, and yet it adds something in to challenge me. Best of both worlds.
I loved the "going back to school", even if it was of the online and not classroom variety. My mind became a sponge for this new information. It gave me a purpose. A reason to look forward to the day. It made me feel alive again.
And maybe more importantly, valuable, current, productive. Oh how I love New Year's resolutions.
My second resolution was to approach everything in 2010 with an open heart. I think I did that as well. As a result I endured some major emotions as my oldest graduated from high school and went off to college. Ouch. But I got through it. I no longer cry when I think of the whole process, that has to be progress, right?
And I tried some new things, took a community ed class (kind of out of the blue) and made a new and important friend. Open hearts are awesome, they lead you in their own directions.
The third resolution will remain on my list for 2011. And that is/was to organize my digital photos. Yipes. With computers going on the fritz all the time around our house it is no small task to keep those photos around, let alone organized. So, it will remain a goal to accomplish this year.
And now to think about what else I shall attempt in 2011. I think I will ponder this as I take a walk in the woods today.....clearing my mind of the clutter and allowing the resolutions to find their way to me.
Happy New Year, world.