A Time To Be Thankful And To Reflect....

Thanksgiving 2009

Annual Christmas Tree Trek 2009

Ahhh. Thanksgiving. What do you enjoy most about it? The traditions, the hustle and bustle, the time off? For me it is all about being together and being home. Because I am a homebody at heart I look forward to several days in a row of just being here. Of not having to go out of the house, unless I want to.  Of  having the house filled with people and laughter, games and good food.

It does not seem like a year went by since the pictures we took last year. And yet it does. A lot has changed...and because I am person who likes things status quo...a lot has not. Sadie's gone. She's in Texas now, having Thanksgiving with her mom and brother. I will miss her. A lot. Last year was even more special for me because I got to experience our family traditions through her eyes. It made me realize that even though everyone complains about the pictures I take and the trek to go cut down our Christmas tree immediately after Thanksgiving, there is something special about them, too.

For me, Thanksgiving signifies the beginning of the end, the countdown to Christmas and the end of the year. In a way, kind of like the calm before the storm. I use it as a time of reflection to count my blessings and figure out what is truly important to me.

This year I am thankful for my family, yoga and the awesome power we all have within us to take charge of our lives. 

What are you thankful for?

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