You've Heard of The Dog Ate My Homework Excuse.....

But have you ever been late to work because dog tried to eat you? Okay well it wasn't that dramatic, but I was held up at school, stuck inside the building, while a giant dog ran around loose outside knocking over the trash can and jumping at the door. Truth. And, by giant dog, I mean...giant dog. Not knowing much about dogs (did I mention that my son is planning to be a veterinarian but we've never owned a pet of any kind), I do know this much...the dog was huge and black, kinda scary and walked funny. Someone said it looked like a rottweiler & pit bull mix. Needless to say I wasn't going to attempt the walk out to my car, just in case he was also an angry dog. I've only had stitches twice in my life, one time from a black lab that wasn't very friendly. I remember hearing that dogs can smell fear (or was that bears), so no way was I going to be able to pretend it didn't scare me. I stayed put, and watched from the safety of the lobby until the police, GRPS security and the animal control guys arrived. Turns out he wasn't an angry dog, just a really big, really curious, scary looking one. I am still glad I stayed inside....and I was late for work because of a dog.

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