Posts tagged three words to live by
My Three Words for 2025

Every year since 2013 I have utilized the practice of setting Three Words to Live By at the start of each new year. The words chosen help shape the year to come and bring to me what I desire most. Last year my words were Poise, Ease & Delight. My intention was to live each day in gratitude, and stay balanced in peace and joy. While it seemed an oddly unspecific choice of words for a planner like me, it was exactly what I needed. And, I had the best year of just being me. At times, I was tempted to “do something more substantial” but I resisted those urges and stayed true to living in the moment and letting things come to me. As a result, I led a few art & other fun workshops, practiced a bit of reiki, provided some virtual meditations, taught many online yoga & movement classes, and most importantly enjoyed many peace filled moments in the woods & the sun. It was ease filled and fun, and not stressful at all. Just the way I wanted it to be.

This past year also brought many opportunities to spend time with my family and with those friends who’ve become family. I was able to go to the U.P. with my husband and two sons and we had the best time together as a family exploring waterfalls, hiking the woods, trying new breweries and playing cards together. It also uncovered a hidden desire of mine to hike more & explore the north country trail around my cottage. One of my talents, and primary love languages, is to bring people together around my table with food, drink & fun, and I took every opportunity I could to make this happen in 2024. To my delight many card games were played after sharing meals with the people I love. ♥

For 2025 I want more of the same. I want peace, health, ease, fun, abundance, joy and love. So the words I have chosen are intended to keep me on track with my current journey. I hope to gather people around my table, explore the abundant woods & trails around my cottage and up in the U.P., and continue to bloom into my best self. Embracing non doing does not mean we do not accomplish anything, it just means we are still enough to listen to our soul speak. Mine is telling me life does not have to be so hard, and my only job is to be happy, so remain open and take advantage of all the little moments of joy that come my way. I am truly blessed.

Gather — to bring together or assemble

Explore — to traverse or range over (a region, area, etc.) for the purpose of discovery; to look closely; scrutinize; examine

Bloom — to be in or achieve a state of healthy beauty and vigor; to glow with warmth

Have you ever thought about finding Three Words to Live By? Let me know if you need any help with this practice. ♥

Just for fun here are all the words I used over the last 12 years.

2013 Simplify | Linger | Appreciate

2014 Clarify | Cultivate | Savor

2015 Freedom | Growth | Joy

2016 Express | Embrace | Create

2017 Illuminate | Trust | Thrive

2018 Foster | Expand | Dare

2019 Connection | Direction | Focus

2020 Adventure | Unleash | Thrive

2021 Radiate | Kindle | Embrace

2022 Nourish | Flow | Receive

2023 Confidence | Synergy | Reach

2024 Poise | Ease | Delight

My Three Words for 2024

I’ve been diligently working on choosing the three words that will shape my 2024, and they once again have landed far from where they began. This end of year practice is part reflection, part envisioning the future, and part tapping into what makes you happy. When I walked away from all that was secure and expected of me in 2013, I literally opened my heart and followed its direction to reclaim my happiness. In that process I allowed myself to unbecome the me I no longer wished to be and grow into the me I was always meant to be.

This year I wanted to make sure I did not select words that I thought I “should” choose, rather, I wanted words that would continue to cull out more of my ideal life.

This will be the 12th year I have chosen Three Words to Live By to give loose direction to the new year ahead, instead of making specific resolutions or setting goals. I credit this practice for all the authentic forward motion that has occured in my life. ♥

I’ve landed on the following three words for 2024. Need any help with choosing yours?


• a dignified, self confident manner, steadiness

• a state of balance or equilibrium

• wavering between rest and motion

• balanced and prepared for action


freedom from discomfort, worry, anxiety, difficulty, great effort, financial need, stiffness, constraint

• rest, leisure, or relaxation

• to make or become less burdensome

• to make comfortable or give rest to

• to move or shift with great care

Ease(ful): comfortable, quiet, peaceful, restful


a high degree of *pleasure or enjoyment

• joy

• rapture

*pleasure: enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking

Just for fun here are all the words I used over the last 12 years.

2013 Simplify | Linger | Appreciate

2014 Clarify | Cultivate | Savor

2015 Freedom | Growth | Joy

2016 Express | Embrace | Create

2017 Illuminate | Trust | Thrive

2018 Foster | Expand | Dare

2019 Connection | Direction | Focus

2020 Adventure | Unleash | Thrive

2021 Radiate | Kindle | Embrace

2022 Nourish | Flow | Receive

2023 Confidence| Synergy | Reach

My Three Words to Live By For 2018

Words are powerful and I love them! That is why choosing ONLY three words to live by for a whole year is super hard for me. I try to let the words choose me, which means I change my mind a lot, especially coming into the home stretch, the countdown to January 1.

I thought it might be helpful to look back and see where I have come from since I began this process in 2013. And to my surprise, even though it feels like I duplicate my intentions, so far I have not used any of the same words. Here is the framework of words that have shaped my last 5 years. I am hoping they might inspire you try this process and to choose your own three words to live by.

 2013 -- Simplify, Linger, Appreciate

2014 -- Clarify, Cultivate, Savor

2015 -- Freedom, Growth, Joy

2016 -- Express, Embrace, Create

2017 -- Illuminate, Trust, Thrive

What calls to me in 2018 are words that move me out of my safe zone and nudge me into a year of adventure and additional personal growth. I've been kind of coasting the last couple of years, really enjoying my life and being present to all its beautiful moments and now I feel the need for bit of change. You will see some new workshops scheduled at the studio so I can tap into the passion, talent and knowledge others are willing to share.

Here are my words for 2018: FOSTER, EXPAND & DARE.

Foster- to promote the growth of; to raise or rear; further; encourage.

Expand- to spread, stretch out; unfold; to express in fuller form or greater detail; develop.

Dare- to have the necessary courage or the boldness to try; venture; hazard.

I intend to foster my own growth and the growth of the studio and everyone who walks through our doors. I plan to expand my knowledge of holistic approaches to healing, and stretch myself into new directions becoming a student again. I promise to be bold(er) about sharing what my life's journey has taught me so far, either through my words, art or personal interactions. 

If you are interested in trying this process instead of setting resolutions destined to fail, I have a Three Words to Live By Workshop on Thursday, January 4 from 6-8 pm at the Studio. There is still room for more people to join, click here to sign up.

This process has not only worked for me, it has allowed me the freedom to grow organically in new directions and to be confident about changing my mind, and my direction, along the way.


As I reflect on my 2015, I am pleased to note that I leave it with a smile and a contented sigh. By other people's standards I certainly did not accomplish a lot, nor did I make everyone I care about happy; but I don't think that was what I needed to be my happiest/best self. I needed a quiet, focused, simple life in 2015 -- and that is what I got. I was inward focused, a serious homebody, and I stayed true to my 3 words for the year: Freedom, Growth & Joy. The result of doing so is that for once I ended a year thoroughly enjoying the journey, even if it had a few unexpected twists and turns.

Here are some of the things I will take away from the past year:

  • Family is not defined by blood
  • Sometimes the best most unselfish thing you can do is to just send someone love
  • Letting go of expectations is a huge key to finding inner peace
  • Freedom is waiting on the other side of silencing your mean voice
  • Embrace stillness + quiet daily, only then can you hear your inner (true) voice
  • You cannot please everyone
  • True friends love you for who you are, not what you do for them
  • Believe in the power of you, always, you are more powerful than you know
  • Love is fuel
  • Grand parenting is like a do over of all the good parts of parenting you slept through the first time around
  • You are never too old to grow, change and embrace your full potential

I picked my three words to live by in the last few minutes of 2015. I think they found me -- reminding me that I cannot become the butterfly I was meant to be until I leave the safety net of my self-created cocoon. I believe these words will challenge me into a better version of myself in 2016.


My feelings, my ideas, my true self -- not only through writing but in little ways and conversations every day. I want to have the courage to truly be me, without doubt, regret, or explanation and without worrying what others might think.


My talents, my strengths, my imperfect self and my beautiful life. I want to allow in success and continue to believe that I am worthy of everything I desire.


It is time for the ideas and visions I have in my head to make their presence known to the world.

I won't promise to write more in the coming year as that feels more like a resolution than a direction, but I think it will happen naturally as a result of me keeping my three words at the forefront of my mind.

In 2016 I do promise to shine the brightest light I can. Even in the darkest moments of real life.





A New Year's Message from A Grateful Me

Hello lovely reader:

As another year comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the twists and turns my life has taken in the past year. As a girl who once attempted to plan out her life, it is almost laughable that a lot of what happened is nothing I would have ever planned. Some of it is nothing I ever imagined I'd even experience and yet it has to be one of the best years ever. Maybe not in the way most people would measure a successful year --- like by how much money I made, or how much I grew my new business, or what new stuff I was able to acquire. Instead I am measuring it by how much happiness was in it, how much love I felt and how easy it was to be fully me.

In 2014 I practiced being present to all the little things that mattered (and even to the ones that didn't seem to matter). I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss a thing. I rejoiced in both sunny and cloudy days, in planned fun and in unexpected detours, and I was able to find the sunny side of nearly every situation. As a result, I felt calm, peaceful and happy nearly all the time. Where I once would have let the unexpected get me down and stress me out, I went with the flow, stayed peaceful within, and paid attention to the greater meanings. And there were plenty of life lessons.

Even when it wasn't all rosy I looked forward to each day and the new possibilities. I watched for signs and remained open to opportunities. The times I was able to spend with my love, my family, my trees, my magic friends, my students and with my words were among the best moments of my life.

I have also experienced great kindness this year. Compliments I never saw coming (which to me are delightful affirmations that I am on the right track), and connections that rekindled or were made for the first time which turned out to be exactly what I needed next. I have been blessed to learn so many new and exciting things, and to put into practice what I have learned to empower others. Not only have I been able to guide them to personal wellness, I get paid to help them feel better in their own bodies. How lucky I am to have arrived in this beautiful place!

I made a lot of time for me in 2014. And as a result I feel like I can breathe again. My three words to live by were Clarify, Cultivate and Savor and in looking back, I believe I really did infuse them into my year.

Clarify: I let some things go this year along with the worry and fear and control I once clung to, and they were really important things: friendships, opportunities, job offers,  responsibilities. Clarifying and letting them go left me feeling lighter and freer.

Cultivate: I have learned some important life lessons in 2014 with the help of some incredibly talented friends and students. Their honesty and willingness to allow me to grow with them has lit my path ahead. One really big lesson that took me many tries to learn was saying "no" to furthering other people's dreams, and fully saying "yes" to furthering mine. I learned to believe in myself again and that is huge.

Savor: Part of appreciating what is right in front of you is being present to the beauty of everything.  For me that requires downtime to rejuvenate.  I made time to "turtle in" this past year and that allowed me to be the best version of myself. The people in my life deserve the best I have to offer and in order to give it to them, I require a lot of unplanned creative "me" time. I have learned that me being overwhelmed is awful for everyone around me. Keeping myself clear and bright allowed me to shine my best light ever in 2014. I think maybe I accomplished something I have always attempted --- to lead by example.

I wanted to reach out via this post and wish you a wonderful new year filled with love + light and to encourage you to make the changes necessary to bring forth the best YOU! Thank you also for reading my blog. Although I write for me (because that is how I process, grow and learn) I am grateful for every person who comments on the blog (or in person) to say that my words resonate. I am a word girl, and I understand that coming upon the right words at just the right time can be life changing. It is an honor to hear that a few of my posts have found their way to the right people at the right time this past year.

Namaste: the Spirit in me sees, honors and appreciates the spirit in you. Have a happy and blessed new year. My words for 2015 are Freedom, Growth & Joy in case you didn't notice. Have you chosen yours yet? I would love for my readers to hear what direction your life will be taking this next year.

--Terri Spaulding

P.S. Just in case you were looking for inspiration and/or ideas on how to make 2015 a year of forward motion, here is my latest newsletter with upcoming opportunities to come grow with me. Feel free to share this link anyone who might interested. Word of mouth, personal recommendations, and shares are the way I find my proper audience. Many, many thanks in advance.