Happy New Year Greetings!
The end of a year always allows me a chance for retrospection and then with that, the opportunity to loosely shape the new year to come. While we cannot plan out our year, nor see the obstacles or the joys coming our way, we can set the parameters for the direction we’d like it to move. All year long I wrote down words in my daily journal that felt right to consider for the selection process. None of those actually ended up being one of my Three words for 2023, but the process helped me narrow my list. After much internal debate I have arrived at the three words I need to shape my new year.
Confidence- full trust, belief in the powers, belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities; self-confidence; certitude
Synergy- the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual contributions
Reach- to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling; to come to or arrive at in some course of progress, action; (v)to make a stretch; (n)the extent or distance of reaching
In a nutshell: I wish to move forward with confidence in my writing abilities and in myself, to put all the parts of myself together into a whole that makes a greater impact, and to trust that my words, my book (and my girls) will fly as far and wide as they are meant to.
I considered so many other words that felt right to maintain this life I love and do not need a vacation from. Words like streamline, peace, and health, and yet to truly grow, I feel the need to stretch myself. I chose my words for 2023 with the hope I will continue to find joy and peace in every day, and yet still be brave enough to share more of my true self.
If you want help finalizing your words, or understanding more about the three word process, please reach out.
Cheers to a strong & successful 2023. ♥