Everyone has a story to tell. And I believe everyone has a story worth sharing. I shared mine on my When I Grow Up Blog. If you have time, hop on over to check it out.I would love to hear yours.
Since discovering I was a highly sensitive person in 2013 I have been a mission to find my authentic self, and just when I think I’ve found her, I uncover more. Writing and sharing my "take" on the life I have surrendered to, helps me process and grow. If it illuminates a new path for someone like you, even better. After taking a leap to follow my heart and leave the corporate world behind, I now happily end my days with dirty feet and messy hair. When I am not teaching yoga or a movement class, I can be found soaking up the sun, walking & talking to the trees, writing, creating art, and spending time with those I love. Thanks for reading about my journey. ♥
Everyone has a story to tell. And I believe everyone has a story worth sharing. I shared mine on my When I Grow Up Blog. If you have time, hop on over to check it out.I would love to hear yours.
Wouldn't it be great if all children grew up believing in themselves and could confidently say:
I am special. I am a promise. I am a possibility. I have a future. I have the power to change my future. I can be anything I want to be. I have hope, always hope. I am believed in. I have expectations. I have love. I am loved. I am made up of all parts of me, the good and the bad. I am important. I am necessary. I am strong. I am unique. I will fail, but I am not a failure. I make a difference. I matter. I would be missed. I have the power to inspire.
Unfortunately many won't be given that opportunity. I'd like to help change that. In fact, I am determined we need to change it. How, is the question.
I'd love to hear your ideas. Care to share any?
I am not your friend.Don't misunderstand me, I'd love nothing more than to just be your friend, but it is not my job.
I'm your parent.
And with that goes the biggest responsibility I've ever been entrusted with.
So as to not mess up this assignment...I am going to follow the rules of what it means to be a parent, even when it sucks to be me. Which honestly, is often.
Wouldn't I rather just agree with you, exchange a few surface niceties and go about my merry way, instead of endlessly dragging out of you whatever your latest problem is? Oh heck yes.
But that isn't the job I took on. And I'm not one to brush things aside, let half truths lie, or hold feelings inside, for long.
So I will scold, prod, encourage, advise, push, pull, question and challenge my way through your week. Every week.
I will even say "no" to you, and I will say it often, without reason, with reason and every place in between.
Because I love you. Because I care. Because I can. Because I am your parent.
I won't attempt to buy your love with special treats, or adventures. I'll instead buy you "real" food, boots, underwear, deodorant, glasses, shampoo and all the other necessities required. I won't help you buy a car you can't afford, instead I will take you to the doctor when you are sick, navigate through your medical bills, bank statements and job applications when they don't make sense, stay up half the night when you have had too much to drink, all in hopes that someday you will learn to be independent. That you will make better choices.
I'd really rather go with you to the flea market, or bowling, out for Chinese or shopping...but instead I will work, so I can pay the bills. I'll do the laundry, clean the house, do the grocery shopping and make sure everyone has a safe, clean and healthy place to live and thrive. A place where friends are welcome and wanted. Where birthdays are celebrated. Where accomplishments are celebrated. And failures are discussed. I'll go to the boring school meetings, the conferences, and attend any baseball games I can fit into my work day.
And when things go wrong in your life, or you face disappointment or failure, I'll still be here---living my boring, predictable existence. Ready to lift you up or bring you back down to reality. All the while doing my best at the hardest job I will ever take on, being your parent. So you can have a chance at a life beyond what you were born into. A life with choices. A life where you can live to be anything you want to be.
I'm your parent, I'm not your friend. And I will always be here.
It actually hurts to say that I am not your friend, because someday I sure would like to be.
In the meantime I'm right here. I haven't changed, even though you have.
I am still the reality check. The thorn in your side. The fun sucker.
The one who loves you more than you can ever imagine.
And I will remain that person, no matter how far you push me away.
Because it is my job as your parent. And I intend to be the best parent I can.
Where do you find strength when life gets hard?
Until recently I would have said, sure I am. Because I was happy in most areas of my life. My husband is rockin' cute, I have more material things than I really need (including a cottage and a boat) my kids are healthy and mostly happy, I have fantastic friends and a super cool extended family. But something still was not quite right. When I said I was happy, something was missing.
For one thing, I had lost the passion I had once had for my job. Now some people say you don't have to have passion for your job, it is after all just a job, a way to pay the bills. And maybe for a while I even convinced myself that this was true and I could handle that. I reasoned that I needed to make money, and could not afford to make a job change and take less than the level I had already achieved, even if it meant I'd be happier.
Luckily for me I came to my senses. I made a change because I realized that being unhappy at work was slowly killing me. It was sapping my energy and attracting negativity back to me. So, I made a switch.
Since the day I quit, I have never looked back. (Okay there was that one day when I was sure I could not handle the pace, but besides that, I have been super sure of my decision!)
Ask me now if I am living a happy life and I will answer with a huge "YES, I am Happy!" because I am now operating on all cylinders.
Passion, purpose + happiness.
I have a job that I love, reasonable goals to achieve to satisfy those I work for, and better yet, a sense that I belong with, and am welcomed by my colleagues. My opinions are considered, my ideas are at the very least given an audience, and best case scenario will someday be utilized. That is a dream come true for me! Combine that with digging the people I work with and for, and you have a recipe for happiness. For me anyway.
Having that happiness makes a huge difference in how I face each day. Postitive attracts positive, and I not only say this, I totally believe this. Because it has happened to me.
Reconsider my question... are you living a happy life?
And then, if need be, don't be afraid to make some changes in your life.
We all have our bubbles, not to be confused with clouds, around us. How many of us are in our own little bubble (aka our comfort zone) and don’t even realize it?
That was me. Until I had an experience that changed my life. I was minding my own business, following the rules, living life as I had been taught, when my bubble was burst. It was backstage at a high school production of Annie, in 2009. That experience not only changed my life, but moved me from seeing things in black and white, to living in the gray.
I think everyone is shaped by their parents and the way they grow up. Sometimes this is good, sometimes not so much. In my case, I was taught to not only take care of myself, and my own, but to follow the rules, and to prepare for a successful future.
What I missed out growing up middle class and republican, was learning to accept diversity. Instead of being open to all different types of people, I was instead scared of them. I thought since they were different, that meant to approach them with caution.
Wow, was I wrong.
Being open to the gray has changed my life completely. And it was something I needed. You can only live in your bubble for so long until it starts to get stale. You need fresh air, a new perspective. You need to be challenged by someone or something different.
So if you think you are living in a safe little bubble, try shaking things up. Need some help? Ask yourself this question: what was the last thing that you did that made you feel really alive? It can be something that made you happy, something that challenged you, even something that scared you. Got that something in mind?
Now, go right back out and do it again.