Growing Into Me
You know how thinking back over time you can recognize life changing moments, doors that you went through that changed your life forever?
I had one today.
Someone I love (but haven't seen for a while) asked me how I was doing via a short text conversation.
And I immediately answered back: I'm the best I have ever been.
And damn if I didn't mean it. Wholeheartedly. Honestly. Joyfully.
I am doing great. I feel good. NO, I feel great. I feel at peace. I feel purposeful. I feel loved. I feel happy. I feel at ease with me.
It is the best feeling in the world. It is like I got new glasses with a stronger prescription and I can finally see the leaves on the trees again.
Everything is beautiful. Everything makes sense. Everything is going to be okay.
Just needed to share this so I never forget. And so you'd know there is always hope that you can make changes for the better, too.