Solar Plexus Rising | Chakra Painting with AI Inks | by Terri Spaulding
This is not just another painting of the sun.
This is what I “see” when I do reiki.
This is a solar plexus chakra (represented by the color yellow) showing me she is desperately wanting to shine. She is less than bright, after years of holding in fear, worry, anxiety, and the incredibly false belief she is not worthy of all that she desires. But that bright yellow center shows me she is working her way up and out of the mud she’s been stuck under.
As she fights to reclaim her happiness, and shakes off the junk she’s held in her gut for years, she is getting help from other energy centers in her body. Her throat chakra (represented by the light blue dots) where her true voice and her true self awaits, is aware that yellow is not standing in her power or in her truth, and needs assistance. The energy of the throat wants to help rekindle yellow’s flame, but cannot break through the barrier of mud , nor through the wall of lies yellow tells herself.
Also attempting to come to yellow’s rescue is the third eye chakra (represented by the dark blue dots and blobs). This chakra of inner wisdom is tired of being ignored and suppressed, and wants to get in to help yellow, too. But her attempt is blocked as well. Only when the solar plexus chakra is fully functioning, fueled with willpower and self esteem, can the third eye join forces and allow authenticity and gut instinct to lead the way.
And then there is the chakra of the heart, who is isolated in the middle. Since there is no balance, no flow of energy or cooperation from the energy centers, she is helpless to heal with her love. She grows tired of sending in love (represented by the green), with little to no acceptance, and begins to lose faith that she can make a difference.
This story of color in the painting above tells me the person within whom these chakra centers dwell is tired, overwhelmed and needs some mind, body + spirit restoration. At times, we all need help from the outside to guide us forward on our healing journey. If you are feeling off, or stuck, or unsure of how to begin your self-healing, schedule a reiki session with someone you trust. Even one session is enough to clear out some of your mud, restore balance to your energy centers, and set the foundation for continued self-healing.
I firmly believe in reiki’s healing power, as it once was the jump start I needed to reclaim my joy.