Action Required
Action Required to achieve your dreams. It starts NOW.
Last weekend during my meditation I was guided to do an exercise to help myself move forward in the direction of my dream of being an author. Many of us have dreams we carry in our hearts but hold back on pursuing, for a variety of reasons. Mostly, we talk ourselves out of them. In this post I am sharing both the process I was guided to use to become unstuck, and my own answers, which makes me feel very vulnerable. I hope in sharing my truth it will help someone release their own junk and get moving in the direction of their dreams, whatever those are.
Sit quietly with a piece of paper and a pen. Open yourself up to your deepest fears about whatever is weighing on your heart in regards to that thing you are not doing, but want to do, (your dream). Then write down those fears (no one ever needs to see them except you).
9/12/2021 Fears About Writing my Book
dying with the words still in me
not making a difference, not mattering
not fulfilling my purpose
running out of time
not having anything unique to say
not being a success at writing
not being good enough to call myself an author
not making an impact with my book
not being able to do it
doing it wrong, so I am afraid to start
taking the wrong path with my words
no one will read what I write
missing the point
Now once those are released and out where you can read and acknowledge them, sit with them for a minute. Just breathe. How do they make you feel? In my case, I see they are holding me back from giving it my all, from trying, from starting.
The next step is to acknowledge you are holding your self back with those negative thoughts. You are self-sabotaging. Our thoughts have power, and until we begin to fuel our own self-esteem with positive thoughts, we will stay stuck/safe. Become your own best cheerleader and change those inner thoughts around. With your pen and paper, open yourself up to support from the universe, imagine all the words you need to hear are pouring into you. Write them down, without judgment or editing.
9/12/2021 Affirmations that support my dream of writing my book
I have something to say
My words will resonate
I am good enough
I can do this
I am an author
I know exactly where to begin
My story is worth telling
I can make a difference
I am open to receive direct support and guidance
I am ready
The time is now
It is my time to shine
Again, sit with your written affirmations, and reread them. How do they make you feel? Better? We hope so. Do this exercise whenever you need to acknowledge and release the things that hold you back. Change the negative thoughts to positive, and believe in yourself again, as we do. Do this over and over again, as needed.
I was then guided to write these words:
You cannot help others until you help yourself. Speak your truth, share your wisdom, and lead by example. The time is now. You can do this, surround yourself with those who believe in you—and begin within for that support. You are your own worst critic. You hold yourself back out of fear of failure. You can totally do this. Believe in the power of you. You will make a difference. Be your own best cheerleader and make the time & space to begin moving forward toward your dream. There is time, the time is now, stop distracting yourself by helping others reach for their dreams. It is your turn. Begin within. ♥
If you, like me, are a work-in-progress, this will be helpful whenever I am feeling stuck. I plan to reread my journal whenever I feel those negative, self-sabotaging thoughts about my writing creeping their way back in. And while I am still feeling supported and inspired, I will write.