My Three Words To Live By for 2022

One of my favorite parts of the new year is choosing my three words to live by. This process has shaped my life into one I do not need a vacation from, and in my end of year reflection, brings me a sense of growth, not guilt. For a recovering perfectionist like myself, the resolutions I used to make at the start of a new year centered around outward accomplishment. I would start judging how well I had done, and ultimately it seemed would fall short after only a few weeks. I wanted something I could use to organically guide my growth and forward motion all year long.

The three words to live by process does just that for me, it allows me to shape the direction of my life, without having specific goals to achieve. I love the freedom and the lack of judgment I have about where I am at any point along my journey. There is always time to begin making forward progress, without the guilt of failure.

Here’s a question for you. When you set your goals/intentions/resolutions for the new year, are you motivated intrinsically or extrinsically?

*Intrinsic motivation stems from finding satisfaction from within and doesn’t rely on potential external gain. Example: you play a sport but only for enjoyment, you’re doing it out of intrinsic motivation. The same could be said for drawing, meditating, learning, and reading. Anything that you pursue for enjoyment, rather than for potential personal benefit, is intrinsic motivation. I find when I am intrinsically motivated I stick with it, as I am enjoying the process rather than depending on an external factor to bring me validation or accolades.

Extrinsic motivation is working towards a tangible goal that has a specific outcome. Working hard to get noticed/promoted is extrinsic motivation. Playing a sport only to win is extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation isn’t necessarily “bad”, but you may find that extrinsic motivation brings you less fulfillment than intrinsic motivation. For many years I allowed myself to worry about what my life and my accomplishments looked like on the outside, and ignored my gut feelings about what was right for me. As I age, and grow wiser, I realize I do my best when I am motivated from within.

After much deliberation, I am claiming my three words for 2022. They seem more passive than I am used to choosing, yet no amount of swapping in new words feels right. So I am sticking with them.

Nourish: to supply what is necessary for life, health and growth; to cherish, foster, keep alive; to strengthen, build up or promote. I see this word applying to myself, and to those around me who need my support and strength, as they face major health issues. In order to be there for my friends and family, I must be there for myself first. I must be my own safe haven and remain centered and nourished if I am to assist others in the ways needed.

Flow: to be completely absorbed in an activity, especially an activity which involves creative abilities. When in a flow state, a person feels strong, alert, in effortless control, unselfconscious, and at the peak of their abilities. I wish to go with the flow of my life, to allow it to unfold according to its own plan, and to enjoy the ride. The thought of fighting against (anything) any more is exhausting. Since I no longer feel the need to prove myself, I wish to let the current take me where I am supposed to go.

Receive: to take into one’s possession (something offered or delivered); to get or be informed of; to hold, bear or contain; to take into the mind; to meet with, or experience; to be home to visitors, to greet and welcome. While I initially felt like this was too passive of a word choice for my growth, I have come to recognize it requires a different kind of action from me. To receive, a person must be open, ready and calm, and for a planned, organized and achievement focused person like myself, this “inactivity” takes determined effort. I must be ready to receive the abundance I deserve.

2022 is going to be another magical year for me and my personal growth. I hope it is for you as well. If you choose to try this Three Words to Live By process, and want some help/direction getting started, I am happy to send you the workshop materials I have created to assist you. Just let me know by sending me an email at My gift to you for sticking with me on the journey and reading this blogpost.

Namaste ♥

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