I Did It! I Did It! My 5X5 Night Entry Is Complete

I was truly moved by the 5 x 5 night idea presented by Rick DeVos/Pomegranate Studios yesterday. 5x5night.com. It made my day. I tweeted about it, and shared it to my FB profile and my work page. Oh what a cool thing for GR!

(Don't tell anyone.....but I think it is even cooler than Art Prize.)

And then I mentioned it to my husband at dinner. His reaction was very positive, and ended with a "well you'd better submit your idea right now."

What? Wait. No. I'm not ready, I stammer. Maybe I will wait and see how the first 5 x 5 night goes on Feb. 22 and then I will prepare my idea for submission.

And then Sadie piped in from the bathroom, where she was straightening her hair, with a big: Yes! (As in, yes you need to do it.)

So a decent night's sleep, an inspiring reminder that life is too short from my Yoga "girls" at Gilda's Club this morning, and a few tears in the tanning booth, yes I said tears. (And before you ask, I have no idea where they came from) ....

.....and my 5 x 5 night submission is turned in.

Why not me?
Why not my idea?
Why not now?

Be brave.
Take a chance.
Make life happen.

For crying out loud, live my own advice. So I did it!

Idea submitted. Pillow Talk For Girls. Done.

P.S. Even if I am not selected for this first 5 x 5 night (and chances are great that with already 80 submissions in less than one day---I won't be), I can say that I tried. I stepped up to make life happen and not let it happen.

Kinda proud of myself. Thanks Mike, thanks Sadie! You guys are my inspiration.