Three Words to Live By 2020


I love the end of a year. It is the perfect time to reflect and to dream about what I want for the new year ahead. I no longer make New Year’s resolutions because they are too easy for me to fall short on. Instead, I believe in choosing Three Words to Live By to shape the coming year. With a blank slate and 365 days ahead, the possibilities are endless.

Reflection —2019 was filled with happy times and fun experiences, yet my three words did not bring about the productive year I thought they would. As 2018 came to a close I convinced myself life was too easy and I needed to make some forward progress on the book I have always dreamed I would write. Yet every time I meditated and asked for direction and focus, I “heard” that I needed to give up having a plan and let it happen naturally. Not only was no forward progress made, I barely wrote anything at all. I was stopped by my self-imposed roadblock of needing to know exactly where my writing was headed.

My words for 2019 were: Connection, Direction and Focus.

I resisted the instructions to stop trying to make a plan and continued to ask questions and ponder ideas. About halfway through the year I recognized my need to know was hindering not only my progress, but my life. After I let it go, I began to enjoy what life gave to me and the word connection became my most impactful word for the year. I finally connected with the joy I derive from helping others feel better in their bodies through leading yoga and GROOVE dance. Instead of focusing on what I thought I should be doing, I enjoyed my time with what was right in front of me, and loved every minute of it.

Looking Ahead — I want to continue this unplanned way of life into 2020. While it is scary for me to move forward without a plan, I am filled with confidence this is how it is supposed to be and I am open to what comes. I am ready to utilize my abilities and unleash my power; I am ready to thrive.

The life I see myself living in 2020 is filled with magic and wonder. It is simple, free, fun, relaxed, creative, curious, positive, and abundant. As I allow it to unfold naturally, I will fill it with writing (for no reason), creative expression, and take every opportunity given to share kindness and love and encourage healing. I will fuel my life with joy and awe, allow my intuition (and forces greater than me) to guide me through it with no regrets. I will stay present to enjoy it and promise to utilize (fully) the talents and gifts I have been given. These ingredients will create a life I do not need a vacation from, and will help me blossom into the best and happiest version of myself.

My Three Words for 2020 are: Adventure, Unleash and Thrive


Adventure: An exciting or unusual experience; participation in exciting undertakings or enterprise; to take a chance, a dare; to take the risk involved; to venture.

Unleash: to abandon control of; to release from restraint; to set loose to pursue or run at will

Thrive: to prosper, be fortunate or successful; to grow or develop vigorously; flourish (After making my selection, I realized I chose this one in 2017 as well).

What words will you choose to shape your 2020? Please share them with me.



2013 -- Simplify, Linger, Appreciate

2014 -- Clarify, Cultivate, Savor

2015 -- Freedom, Growth, Joy

2016 -- Express, Embrace, Create

2017 -- Illuminate, Trust, Thrive

2018—Foster, Expand, Dare

2019—Connection, Direction, Focus