Posts tagged nature photography
All About the Mushrooms

Nature is uniquely beautiful.

I went for my morning walk with my camera in tow today, not unusual for me, but for most of the summer I left it behind. Today I felt the urge to carry it, and only a short distance into my trek I realized why. Fungi was calling.

Throughout my quiet walk, several people stopped me to chat, one even asking me if I was "the" photographer who posted all the beautiful bird photos on the BSL facebook page. Nope. Not me. That's my friend Judy. I like to take photos of weird things. Last fall it was leaves with droplets of water on them, one fall it was treelined roads, and today it apparently is all about the mushrooms. They had popped up everywhere on my walking path, seemingly overnight, and I was fascinated. Maybe even a tad bit embarrassed.

I think the most beautiful patterns come from nature, in their weird, awesome, ugly way they inspire me. And they also remind me of other things. Today I saw sea creatures, candy corn, brains, sponges, chocolate cookies, and some other unidentifiable things.

I decided to share some of what I encountered. What do you see?

Through the Lens

Traverse City, Michigan | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

I've been avoiding writing lately. I still think in words but they seem to be stuck just under the surface, not quite ready to spill out.

And yet I am still being creative, just not with my words. I am appreciating the magnificence of fall through the lens of my camera, maybe in a bigger way than I ever have before. It is as if I cannot stop the flow of gratitude for the beauty in front of me. Every day. Even when the sky is gray.

Although I have always deemed myself a "summer girl", fall seems to bring out the awe and wonder in me.

As the trees stand in their full glory, their grand finale before they are stripped bare for the long cold winter, I see their pride. Their strength. Their unique beauty. I begin to understand the many life lessons that trees have to share with us.

The ones about standing strong against the elements and about finding your steady inner center while still being able to remain flexible. The lessons about being able to provide shelter for those less strong, to hold space for them while they rest & lean against you, and not allow them to knock you over. The importance of finding power and passion in your own uniqueness, and being okay with the scars that make you interesting and different. And the confidence it takes to be stripped of all your outward beauty and still stand proud in the naked truth of who you are.

It takes my breath away the many things the trees teach me.

While my words may escape me at this time of year, the beauty of the world around me does not. I thought I would share a few pictures of the way I see the world.Through my lens. In hopes you will soon begin to see it differently, too.

North Lake | Baldwin, Michigan | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Big Star Lake | Baldwin, Michigan | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

M-37 North of Whitecloud | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Off M-37 Near Half Moon Lake | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Farm on Fruit Ridge, Grand Rapids, Michigan | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Scenic Turn Off M-37 North | Backwaters of the Muskegon River | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Proof of my obsession with water droplets on fallen leaves | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Even the brown leaves have their unique beauty | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

So many beautiful shapes, sizes and colors | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

There is nothing more beautiful | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding

Perfectly unique | Photo Credit: Terri Spaulding