Sharing Yoga, Sending Love

How quickly our corner of the world (and the whole world) changes in just a few days. Last week I was thinking about my trip to Napa, this week I am unemployed and housebound. The housebound part I like, the unemployed part is not the best feeling and yet I keep reminding myself that I am going to be okay. For me, like many, life as I am used to has definitely changed.

As I age, my introversion has taken the driver’s seat. I prefer to be home (or at the cottage). I do not like crowds of any kind, nor do I like to travel, but I was looking forward to my trip to CA. Homebody is a good way to describe how I am most comfortable, so this social isolation isn’t awful for me, nor is being in my home more.

As an hsp, routine is a comfort to me, and in this time where nearly everything is different than it was last week, I am feeling off- kilter. My empathetic nature is filling me with small bouts of worry I am not used to feeling as well. The combination leaves me feeling worn out, which is not a feeling I am used to. I am used to feeling body tiredness at the end of one of my long days of yoga and Groove instruction, but I am not used to this mental state of exhaustion. I’ve already bit through another over-the-counter mouth guard, my second in a matter of months, so I must be worrying it out at night in my dreams as well.

In a effort to connect (at least in spirit) with my students, and to soothe my need for routine, I quickly filmed some yoga practices and put them up on You Tube. I plan to do more and have ordered an ipad holder to help with the filming. I am not trying to be another famous online yoga instructor, goodness knows there are so many great ones out there, I just wanted to do what I do easily and share it in hopes it will help provide something familiar to my yogis.

If you want some sense of the familiar in your new routine, please feel free to go to my You Tube channel and subscribe if you want to see them all at your leisure, or I will post the ones I have done so far below. In no way does this replace the sense of community + connection I feel with my students in a face-to-face class, but maybe it will suffice for now.

In these uneasy and unpredictable times, I wish you great peace. We will get through this. We will be okay. This too shall pass. Let’s all embrace what we have, use the extra time to do what we love (or to figure out what fuels our soul if we are usually too busy to do that), keep our vibrations high, and our chakras cleared. I am here if you want to reach out. It is a perfect time to tune in, and goodness knows I LOVE helping people do that. I am happy to send you some worksheets, suggestions, or do an online zoom class together.

Tell me how I can help, or as I like to ask— what do you need today? My email is Let’s connect.

Namaste, my lovelies. Stay strong and healthy.
