Embracing Her Magic


Embracing Her Magic by Terri Spaulding

At rock bottom she cracked wide open.

She emerged all wide eyed and unsure, but this time with fresh eyes.

Now a mature woman, she was ready to stop pretending to be someone she was not.

Her first steps were wobbly and tentative until she regained her inner balance.

Never before feeling comfortable as a leader, she had always been afraid to explore roads less traveled.

Weary now of blindly following the pack, she knew she was ready to set off in her own direction.

Before, she had always been afraid of making wrong turns, but they happened anyway.

This time she followed her instincts.

She felt her way to the next step.

While it was so much slower going than it used to be, it was much more satisfying.

The voice in her head quieted as she inched her way forward, appreciating the beauty she had never before noticed.

No longer critical and judgmental, the voice began to offer her praise and support.

She was empowered with confidence as she began to understand her way was the right way, and better yet, believed herself worthy of all she had ever dreamed of.

Her dream was simple.

To live with ease and joy.

To love and be loved.

To appreciate and be appreciated.

She wished to shine her brightest light without fear or regret.

She wished for understanding without criticism or judgment.

She wished for courage to live her truth and for her journey to inspire others to crack wide open and do the same.

As everything began to click into place,

the person she had always been born to be, emerged from her self-imposed shell, and revealed herself to the world.

It was magical. She was magical.

And her life of ease: filled with freedom, abundance and inner peace finally began. ♥