My Three Words to Live by for 2019


As I walked around the lake today, my words for 2019 chose me. As usual I didn’t receive the words I expected, but I trust they are the words I need to grow. For the past few years I have been all about the undoing – unbecoming all that I had become – to reconnect with my true self.

As part of this process I uncluttered/simplified my life in as many ways as I could. I’ve been saying no to obligations, old beliefs, people, opportunities-- anything that no longer served my best interest. As I began to narrow my focus and shore up my intentions, I honed in on what fills me up with the positivity and light I was meant to be filled with. I found that my curious + creative mind loves to lead me into new learning adventures. It is endlessly interested and easily sidetracked into a wide variety of things. While all that freedom and fun of the last few years was refreshing, there is a need inside of me to finish something and to create something I am proud of. I guess you could say I have a burning need to write something a little more formal than blogposts to share what I have learned.

To bring this nearly lifelong dream to fruition, I need words other than wonder, adventure, and inspiration, the ones I wanted for the coming year.

I need a plan.

Not a plan like in the old days, where every second was accounted for and accomplishment ruled; more like a new direction.

So the words that chose me this year are: Connection. Direction. Focus.

Connection: Association or development of something observed or imagined; relationship.

Direction: Instruction or guidance for making; a purpose or orientation forward that serves to guide, motivate or focus.

Focus: To concentrate, to direct one’s attention or efforts.

I will continue to connect to my body, my spirit, my inner voice, and my creative source. Along with that I wish to deepen all the connections in my life. To people, to purpose, to spirit, to my wish to live intentionally in the little moments of life.

As I do this I will be open to direction from a higher power, my angels, guides, teachers and students to accomplish this.

And I will find a way to focus my efforts so that I feel less scattered, sporadic, wishy-washy and more (dare I say it, productive).

At the end of 2019 I want to be able to call myself a writer and mean it, or maybe even more specifically, an author of something real.

I wish you all a year of knowing exactly what you need more of to bring your best self forward. Thank you to those of you who have supported my journey and loved me as I continue to work on the “unbecoming me” part.
