What the H*** Was I Thinking? / Question of the Week #10

photoIt's been ten weeks since the start of the new year. What the heck was I thinking when I decided to do a question of the week? I first thought I wanted to do a question of the day--and my family is extremely happy I came to my senses and nixed that plan. Can you imagine? It is hard enough for me to have time to write-up a blog post for Question of the Week, let alone one a day. Every Thursday I experience what my boys call stressed out Thursday. Believe me, it isn't pretty. And, it isn't because I can't think of anything to say, it is because I have no time to write. Ever. Who knew quitting your job meant that you'd be busier than ever?

This week I have been in a volunteer meeting for three full days and I still have a half a day left to go. It's been an experience in itself, and immediately afterwards I rush off to be the "backstage mom" at City High/Middle's Production of Annie.  It's not a chore, it is more like a debt I need to repay to the director's for changing my life in 2009.

That means there is no new question of the week, this week it is all about reflection.

Take a look at the previous nine questions I have asked, then reread your answers.  You wrote them down in a common place, right? Do you see any patterns  that you should be aware of? Does anything jump out at you?  Any commonalities you can pull out? What does it tell you about you?

Take some time to think about it. Then make some notes about your conclusions.

Here is what I see jumping out from my list of answers so far:

I notice that I like to be appreciated, to learn new things, and to make a difference.

If I had stuck with what I played when I was young, I'd be a secretary, a writer or a teacher today.

If I had time to do what I wanted, I'd keep it low-key, surrounded by "me" time to recharge, write, and hang with friends.

My dream is to work with youth, write, and collaborate with other women operating in their "sweet spots".

I cultivate quiet when I'm driving, cleaning, sleeping, relaxing in the sun or walking.

My greatest faults are that I have high expectations, am opinionated (and impatient) and like to be in control.

I'm energized by people when I am able to dig deep, when I see forward progress, and when I learn something new.

I feel that my view of who I am is mostly in line with how others see me.

I am a moderate perfectionist.

What does all that tell me? Pretty much it tells me that there is still work to be done. I am after all a work-in-progress. But each step I take gets me closer. I hope you will use this "free" week to reflect on your answers and see if you can pull out statements that begin to tell a story about you.

P.S. I'll be back to question of the week next week. Have a great weekend.

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