Becoming a Better You: Question #1

Welcome!I am super pumped you joined me for Question #1 of The Question of the Week and so happy you're taking the first step toward becoming a better you. You can take this challenge as seriously or as simply as you choose, but either way it will be helpful if you record your thoughts in one consistent place. You will want to refer back to them later.

The Question: (This week it is from The Passion Test, By Janet Bray Attwood & Chris Attwood)

When my life is ideal, I am ______________.

Close your eyes and picture your ideal life. What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you? How do you feel? Or maybe how don't you feel (stressed)?

Now make your list of at least 10 things, or as many as come to mind. (And remember there are no right or wrong answers, so don't overthink).


Terri's Answer

Here is what I wrote last fall while reading The Passion Test and doing my end of cottage season laundry in the Baldwin laundromat.

When my life is ideal, I am:
Surrounded by friends and family
At my cottage
Able to write
Able to think
Able to read
Able to learn new things
Able to try new things, and experiment with my creativity
Helping people figure themselves out
Able to make good food
Comfortable, relaxed, happy
Able to bounce ideas off others
Making a difference
My opinions matter
I can help others learn from my mistakes
I can be "me" with all my faults and strengths
I connect deeply

Obviously as the ideas began to flow I lost the sentence "form" I was supposed to be writing in, but I think you can still get the gist.

Have fun. Write down your answers. Share them if you'd like, I'd love to hear them. And save them...we'll use your answers later to help clarify.

P.S. And if you are really feeling energetic---get the book. I started with a copy from the library and ended up buying my own at Schuler's. It's that helpful.

Question #2 will be up next week Friday.
