Still Not Perfect, But it's Time
Hello and welcome to Treelined Roads, my new blog. If you are joining me from my When I Grow Up Blog, thank you for your patience.This blog is not perfect, and it never will be. But I am beyond ready to start blogging again. I've filled journals with words I need to post, and with experiences (both good and bad) that I want to share. Without question I've missed my "voice".
The year 2012 has been one of huge (and sometimes painful) growth. Many times I have been so out of my comfort zone that I felt like a different person, and maybe I even acted like one as well. And yet I have learned so much about me, and the way the world "experiences" me, I can't wait to share it all.
Understand that I am a work-in-progress, that this life of mine is a work-in- progress, and that whatever I say here, I say with one purpose.. to be nothing short of real.
Welcome back, I've sure missed you.