I Guest Posted
Just before my fabulously relaxing vacation at the lake I discovered something about myself.
Something HUGE and exciting: I figured out my purpose.
I was sitting on the dock in 90 something degree weather and this revelation (which after looking back through my journaling was actually simmering inside of me for a couple of weeks) leapt off the page at me. I immediately got goose bumps. And then I texted my friend Alana.
Alana is on a similar journey to discover what her purpose in life is also, so I knew that she would appreciate what knowing my purpose would mean to me. Alana has her own blog and a coaching business and asked if I would share my story with her readers.
In case you didn't see it yet, hop on over to Musings of a Shiny Penny to check it out. And while you are there, poke around some, she has some great stuff to share.